ISCELLI’s regenerative therapies also provide “allograft matrix” or extracellular reparative material from human placenta tissue that is cryopreserved to maintain its structural properties.

What Really is Extracellular Matrix (ECM)?

Extracellular Matrix (ECM) is a collection of molecules or material produced by the cells and secreted into their surrounding space. ECM fills the spaces between cells, binding cells and tissues together to form an interlocking mesh.

Composition: ECM is made up of water, minerals, enzymes and a network of macromolecules, inclduing proteins & carbohydrates, which cushion the cells and fibrous proteins (collagen. hyaluronic acid and others) that provide strength and resilience.

Also found within the Extracellular Matrix are matrix-bound nanovesicles or “Exosomes” (MBVs) secreted from the stem cells. Exosomes communicate with the “target” tissues cells to deliver their “cargo” of molecules, proteins, lipids, miRNAs and DNA fragments created by the stem cells. Thus, initiating the regeneration and healing process.

Functions: Most notably, ECM functions are cell communication and tissue formation. ECM provides structural support binding cells and tissues and biochemical support, regulating cell functions.


Our regenerative therapies use allograft matrix as an independent therapy or as complement to our stem cell therapies in order to increase efficiency in the expected cellular regeneration. The extracellular matrix can enhance cell viability and provide a scaffold or supportive niche for engraftment or acceleration of cell differentiation. We only offer two types of regenerative allograft matrixes produced in the U.S.


RHEO™ is an allograft matrix derived from human placental tissue. It ensures growth and repair of the soft tissue by acting as a biologic matrix for use in areas of inflammation.

RHEO™ is a non-steroidal and addiction-free solution to pain that can be used as much as needed, unlike cortisone treatments that causes deterioration of the joints. No adverse events have been reported during its years of research, development, and use.

Uses for Regeneration:

Pain and anti-inflammatory control   –   Osteoarthritis   –   Orthopedic pathologies   –   Other systems pathologies –  Diabetic foot ulcers  –  Topical wound healing  –  Scar management

2. Vendaje™ ALLOGRAFT:

Vendaje™ is an allograft matrix derived from amniotic fluid. It protects exposed nerve endings from irritants, providing pain relief and regeneration. It also prevents fluid loss and promotes neovascularization, which further promotes healing.  Vendaje™ is an easy application either topically or intra-operatively and adheres well to the wound without the need for glue or sutures.

Vendaje™ has been seen to enhance healing by promoting stem cell recruitment and proliferation. It reduces scar tissue formation, inflammation, and pain.

Uses for Regeneration:

Diabetic Foot Ulcers   –   Venous Leg Ulcers   –   Surgical Wounds   –   Scarring   –   Burns

  • All allograft matrixes that we offer are derived from human placenta tissue or amniotic fluid obtained from planned C-sections, which helps minimize the potential for contamination during recovery and collection.
  • The entire process is done in an aseptic manner by appropriately licensed tissue establishments and in accordance with the safety guidelines provided by the U.S. FDA – Human Cellular Tissue-based Products (HCT/P) (21 CFR Part 1271), and standards from the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB).