Welcome to ISCELLI
Three in four U.S. adults age 65 and older live today with two or more chronic degenerative diseases. Chronic disease and injuries are the biggest contributors to people’s disability and rob more people of quality of life than any other group of diseases.
A Chronic Degenerative Disease results from a continuous process of degenerative changes in cells of tissues and organs in the body, that result in increased deterioration over time.
Drug therapy, physical therapy, and invasive surgery are used today to treat these degenerative diseases. They may alleviate the symptoms and partially the disease itself, but not always.
At ISCELLI, we deeply care and strongly believe in what we practice. We understand the huge toll that chronic degenerative disease takes on patients, families, and friends. As an alternative to traditional pharmacological therapy, we provide biological therapies, focusing on cures rather than just treatment. Our protocols are based on the most current scientific medical literature in cellular and exosomes therapies.
About Us

At ISCELLI, we bridge the gap between conventional medicine and proactive body healing based on regenerative medicine. We fully focus on practicing cellular therapies to heal and care for those patients suffering…
The power of healing is within your own body!
Our Most Requested Cellular Therapies

Osteoarthritis affects an estimated 27 million Americans. Osteoarthritis (OA) can affect any joint (knuckles, elbows, shoulders…

Someone in the U.S. has a stroke every 40 seconds. Stroke accounts for 1 out of every 20 deaths in the U.S. and is the leading…

Disc disease can be very painful. It can worsen and may extend or radiate into the arms or legs. The most common causes…

It is estimated that more than 5.5 million Americans, most of them age 65 or older, may have dementia caused by Alzheimer’s…

Most of the autistic children we have treated with stem cells came to us with significant levels of autism. These patients had a very…

Parkinson’s disease affects more than one million people in the U.S., with over 60,000 new cases being diagnosed each year…

People who suffer from COPD experience symptoms differently. For some, symptoms are part of everyday life, such as a…

Willing to correct your “trouble in the bedroom”? About 25% of new Erectile Dysfunction patients (ED) are under 40 …

Neuropathy is either damage to or disease which affects the peripheral nerves and can’t send messages from the brain and…

DYSFUNCTION N0 MORE I suffered a traumatic injury to the groin when I was 11 years old, which has resulted in erectile dysfunction with inability to have erections. Over the years I underwent all types of therapies, even a couple of surgeries. One of the surgeries was reconnecting a couple of arteries in my pelvis in order to increase the circulation providing me greater blood flow. I was in my late thirties when I found Dr. Castillo online. I flew from New York and I met him at his medical practice in Miami. I have to say that just three days after I received my first therapy with stem cells, I had my very first true erection. Since then, I have done a couple of therapies more, lately with cultured expanded stem cells, that have been equally successful. My personal, intimate and even professional life has changed to new dimensions. I would never have a way to thank Dr. Castillo enough for what he brought back to my life.

HAPPY RETURNING TO MY DAILY LIFE! I have had diabetes for 20 years now. Over the past year I have been suffering from extreme pain in both of my feet. The medications I have been using gave some relief; enough to continue getting by every day. The situation was compromising my quality of life and my abilityto work on a daily basis. Within just a few weeks on treatment, my symptoms were practically reversed. I still have relief to this day.

I CAN BREATHE AGAIN! Some years ago, I escaped a house fire. I could have died without a question! Thankfully I am here to tell the story, but I suffer from decreased lung capacity that affects my daily life. I live in NY and could barely climb a flight of stairs. Since beginning stem cell treatments, I have been able to complete so many daily tasks without feeling out of breath or drained. The effects of my stem cell therapy typically lasts up to two years. In my last treatment, I received exosomes instead of stem cells. I didn’t fully understand what exosomes were, but trusted Dr. Castillo’s clear explanation and guidance. He has made a huge impact on my life and has improved my activity levels tremendously. Thank you!

MY LEG WAS SAVED! I’m an avid basketball player and suffered an injury in my leg while playing on the court. I was rushed to the hospital where I was misdiagnosed by the doctors. My injury was treated as a fracture and my leg was put in a cast. A few days later I couldn’t take the pain and pressure in my leg. I knew this was not normal. I went back to the hospital. When they cut off the cast to take a closer look my leg had turned black. All circulation to my lower extremity was cut off and a good portion of the muscle and the main nerve in that leg had died. What my accident actually was, is called “Compartment Syndrome” for which treatment should have been drastically different. After 3 surgeries and full exams by a neurologist I was told I would never regain function in that leg since the nerve was totally dead. I was put in a special boot to straighten out and hold my foot to be able to walk to some degree. Dr. Castillo heard my story and offered me treatment. He made no promises but was willing to give it a shot. He decided to treat me once with Stem Cells and a number of PRPs and later with Exosomes. I am so incredibly thankful to say that I have rebuilt the size and tone of my injured muscle and recovered full activity of my “dead” nerve. I am now walking, running, training and even playing basketball again. Without a boot!

I’M A HANDS-ON GRANDMA I have arthritis. I’m in my early 50s and was diagnosed at a young age. It runs in my family; my mom has it as well. Recently, my arthritis progressed to the point that I lost significant motion in the joints of my hands and fingers. I’m a very hands-on grandma, always carrying, hugging and playing with my grandchildren. When this was no longer possible, I started to research alternative solutions. Dr. Castillo treated me with a combination of stem cells and PRP, turning my disease and my deteriorating life back 5 years! Back to when braiding my granddaughter’s hair was still possible! I feel great!

I CAN SHOULDER THE PAIN I work in construction and am physically active on a daily basis. I had shoulder and back pain for quite some time. Coincidentally, I did some construction work for the doctor and that’s how I met him. I scheduled a consultation and we reviewed my case. After having some x-rays and some lab work the doctor suggested we try some PRP injections directly into my shoulder. I feel like myself again!

HEADING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION My mother is 87 years old and was diagnosed with Dementia 5 years ago. She also suffered from daily migraines since she was in her 50s. Dr Castillo treated her with Stem Cells and PRP. Soon after her first treatment, we started seeing incredible improvements. First, her migraines disappeared. She has not had one episode of migraine ever again. She is more lucid and aware than she had been in the past few years. The therapy has managed to slow down her symptoms and controlled the progression of her dementia. When I compare my mother’s condition to other people from work or friends, I appreciate the practically insignificant progression of her disease. This treatment has done wonders for the entire family.

ALTERNATIVE HEALING FOR PARKINSON’S I have Parkinson’s. It has been getting worse over recent years. I came to Dr. Castillo looking for alternatives to complement my medicinal regimen. The doctor suggested a combination of a series of IV Nutritional Pushes and Stem Cells. I have been getting IV push treatments to prepare my body for the stem cell treatment and I have seen big improvement in my tremors and hand shaking. Overall, I’m feeling stronger and ready for my Exosomes therapy next week.
At ISCELLI, we strive to repair and restore tissue or organs affected by an autoimmune condition, a chronic degenerative disease or injury. We do it by harnessing your body’s innate ability to repair and heal itself, not from drugs or surgery, but from exosomes, stem cells and growth factors.